Divin hair care at David Mallett

Divin hair care at David Mallett


When you enter at  David Mallett, you see the receptionist beautiful as a Jesus (sounds like the Da Vinci Scene  but without the apostles ) , then you discover this absolutely breathtaking place , you think that what follows can be perfectly perfect.

I think that David knew that I would come  that day, he had put the small dishes  in the large and " licked " decoration. He delicately put the birds on the point de Hongrie, he decorated chimneys with luxury items , to make this moment  a joy and excite my emotions.

Pretty Emmannuelle that made my hair care that follows, could sing me the Mass instead to take care of my scalp with her concoctions , I will find it great anyway , I was so mesmerized by this enchanting place .

I was blissful when I went to lie down in the small padded alcove to enjoy the talented Emmanuelle's fingers, follows an hour of absolutely divine relaxation. She massages my scalp with a decoction of warm oils specially concocted for the needs of my scalp while I soaked  in my oil, she massages my hands. And that is hyper cool, because I hate when the girl leave the room for a cigarette break while the thing penetrate , it tenses me . Then she rinsed me  and shampooed me and finished with a massage of the neck and shoulders.

I left with vigorous , silky  hair and happy about this very delightful experience.

 Etienne handles to restyle my hair,  he listens to my requirements and applies function, but still slips me  that short hair it might be a good idea. I say why not and if I decided do it, I think I will ask Etienne . I trust a guy who wears make-up so well !

In this temple of hypitude everyone is hyper cool and you can see Johnny having his hair died and this is the cherry on the cake to see   Johnny's roots ! ?

I let you admire the work and I thank David for the decoration , Emmanuelle and Etienne for this divine hair care.

publié le Saturday 12 April 2014 Bonnes adresses, Our Good Adresses
3 commentaires
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  1. Kiki O, le 12 April 2014 à 10h09

    Vraiment très bel endroit. Les cheveux courts ? Ah oui pourquoi pas… Tu nous montres dès que tu seras passée entre les main d’Etienne ! SSIK IKIK

  2. elodie, le 18 April 2014 à 16h48

    Wow la déco est juste magique… A faire dès mon prochain passage sur Paris!

  3. Nelly C., le 4 May 2014 à 16h18

    @élodie si vous y allez on attend votre retour. Belle journée
