A veil of Becca powder

A veil of Becca powder

Poudre libre Becca
The makeup artist is in perpetual search of the perfect loose powder, he is searching it the Holy Grail. When he found one to match its requirements, believe me it is the best kept secret on the makeup planet! . It must mattifier lightly while retaining the silk of the skin, but also beeing bright while remaining transparent, ultra thin,  ... . But for those who are not envolved in the beauty stratosphere, the powder is often seen as the UFO in the makeup kit which we do not really know what to do ? . It must be said that his ancestor the rice powder glue to it's the reputation. And I always hear some heresies such as: - "It suffocates the skin" - "It is chalky" - "It dries out the skin" It's the same story as "no blue on blue eyes," pffffffff, boring. . Why do we use a loose powder ? - For mattifier finish - To modulate the brightness - To fix the foundation, and the corrector and concealer . How to apply it ? - Powder brush for a subtle finish. Gently loaded the brush with powder and applied the tips of hair from the inside of the face outward. Especially do not rub into the skin but the dragged it softly. - The puff for a more matte finish. Same, charge on the puff with powder by crushing the surplus in the palm of your hand. Then, gently press the puff on the face, starting with the middle part of the face and ending with edges if necessary. . The powder can be applied to the entire face or only on certain areas which needs to be mattifier. . How we choose the powder ? - Translucent - Colorful but slightly lighter than your foundation to maintain glow and luminosity. . For my part I especially love the Becca loose powders, they meet all the requirements outlined above. They leave the skin like velvet. These powders have undergone a process of micronization and air micronization, which provides them with finesse and comfort, as each grain is extremely small and uniform size. The product glides on the skin. . Another strong point is particularly significant in this season, they are semi water resistant in case of high humidity as in a tropical country or a big storm for example, your makeup stay flawless. They are touch proof for those who can not help itches ... They are preservative-free and paraben free and are available in 12 shades. . Its value ? € 35, 15 gr Where to find it ? www.beccacosmetics.com  
publié le Friday 1 July 2011 Must-have
5 commentaires
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  1. Christine Ollivier, le 10 August 2011 à 13h24

    Il faut donc que j’investisse… C’est un truc que je n’aime pas trop… Plutot axée sur les poudres compactes à appliquer au gros peinceau… Genre platrier quand avec la poudre libre on fait d’avantage artiste peintre… Tout un art.

  2. Nelly C., le 10 August 2011 à 13h26

    j’ai une good news pour toi clinique sort sa BB cream. je l’ai testé …..

  3. Alexandra B., le 10 August 2011 à 13h27

    L’idéal en fait, c’est d’avoir ta jolie poudre libre dans ta salle de bain, et ton boitier de poudre compacte dans ton sac;)

  4. Christine O, le 15 August 2011 à 09h12

    Merci les filles de vous occuper aussi bien de moi.
    Morette, la Make Up Addict Saoudienne, m’a trouvé la BB cream teinté Herborian. Je la testerai rapidement et vous donnerai en suivant, mon avis (si précieux) sur le sujet.
    En ce qui concerne Clinic, je ne suis pas fan… Mais dis moi, lors d’un prochain sujet de ce délicieux blog (tout flatteur vit au dépend….) ce que tu en penses…
    Si en plus je dois donner des idées de post, vous allez devoir, me faire gagner au prochain jeux concours 😉

  5. Nelly C., le 15 August 2011 à 10h58

    Merci pour la martingale but le tube de bb cream de clinic se trouve dans nos trousses depuis fin juillet chère amie.
    Nous aimons tout sauf la couleur qui est très pâle et trop rose…
    mais on va sans doute écrire un billet juste pour toi…
