Ça (gant de) crin du boudin !

Ça (gant de) crin du boudin !

Douche exfoliante - Clarins Men

I am a big Nazos. It's been days since I wrote anything for my MakeMyBeauty girlfriends ... I imagine you, beauty addicts men, wandering the streets around the world ... crying, screaming ... with puffy eyes, dull complexion, the pores obstructed by tears. Because you missed me. I'm back!

Well the good news is that I've tested a lot of products. I have discovered some on my own and I still have many secrets to share with you. But today, I'll tell you about the Shower Scrub by Clarins Men. I say it in English for me to behave : Ze shower scrub (pronounced screuhhhb in dinners which everyone comes back from the fashion week in NY while you were at your auntie in Limoges. But I digress).


So it starts all with my girlfriend Vanessa (see the blog) who sends me one day at the office by courier (the class in Las Vegas) a goodie bag filled with Clarins products. I quickly throw a modest veil over the fact that the above mentioned goodie bag contained a tube (not a large sample, eh!) of  Ab Firming ...


Anyway ... It's morning, I am naked in the shower (yeahhhhhhhhhhh ... cheering crowd ...) and I think back to my scrub ...

Well, now, I'm not impartial because I love Clarins. This is my Madeleine de Proust that propels me in our family bathroom : Clarins are of my mom's products. Serious, no bling-bling with a fresh smell that I loved but not cheap. They are also the first that I have stitched from her (including the scrub).


I am even less objective as I am in love right now (an atomic bomb !) And I tend to see everything in pink ... But being in love, I am prone to unwanted hugs and therefore I must having a top soft skin. So I scrub ...


The tube is ok. They take a bit for neuneus ... Yeah, do not bother to put an icon with a glove and bubbles. There is little doubt that it will scrub in the shower not in the auntie from Limoges dining room. But everything is greaaat on opening the tube :

The gel has the perfect consistency (not too much but not dripping atmosphere like Lafarge cements); The beads in the gel are effective just as it should. Needless to say I do not scrub my body and as a good guy, I'll slice my face too. I appreciate so strongly that it is not too strong cleaning balls ; You know, I am very sensitive to odors ... So there is the 20/20 ... A light citrus scent not synthetic. Not the stuff of guy who apologizes and stinks the locker room and the Mennen. Perfect and finally ... grandiosity (I do not know if it says this but I found it fun) of grandiosity: the skin after ... A skin soft as a peach from Provence. Scheherazade can go to bed. So, I kept stroking my shoulder.


More seriously, the finish is truly stunning. I loved it and suddenly, for the first time in my life, I scrub every week. So I say, for the modest sum of € 25.81 you have a velvety skin, you do not stop stroking your shoulder naked in the bathroom with an erotic look ... This exite your lover and suddenly you also boost your sex life. They say what ? Clarins Men thank you.


Where to find it ?

Department stores and perfume approved


Its price ?

Approximately € 26


publié le Tuesday 5 July 2011 Must-have
2 commentaires
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  1. OLLIVIER Christine, le 7 July 2011 à 22h13

    J’adore ! Pas le Boudin, pas la Taty de Limoges, mais le post. Pour un peu je regretterai d’être une fille…
    Je suis moi même une inconditionnelle de CLARINS, bien que tout le monde trouve ça tarte…
    Je peux le clamer, ce soir, je suis ta fan n° 1, et attends avec impatience ton prochain billet.
    Pour un peu Nel passerai au second plan… Elle a le privilège de l’age et de l’ancienneté. Ouf elle l’a échappé belle.
    Ps : Je dois la voir sous peu, puis-je avoir un autographe… hihihihi

  2. Nelly C., le 8 July 2011 à 11h58

    nous aussi chez MMB on est super fan de Miss Z. J’essaye de te rapporter un autographe mais je crois que notre Princesse est en voyage…
