As each season Alexandra and I are working for the Fashion Week. This year we did : Celine, Sonia Rykiel, Vionnet, ...
We worked with Dick Page and Nina Haverkamp, and their makeups were mainly soft: browns faded eye shadow in the lash, a veil of bronze on the eyelids, bare skin almost untouched, little or no lipstick, but the eyebrow were groomed with care.
In the backstage there is as space devoted to hair, make-up and an another one for the fitting. They are lighted and arranged so that everyone can work under optimum conditions ... because under the lights of the catwalks, everything must be perfect. Everyone works in a stress, wishing to offer the best, but usually everything comes together at best.
Gradually, as the hour of the show approaches, the pressure is raising crescendo ... the cabin starts to be crowded by photographers, cameramen, journalists ... and the atmosphere approach hysteria.
But this time, the delirium surrounding the hair for Sonia Rykiel fashion show, frankly surprised us: Between 4 and 6 hairdressers were busy on each model. Meanwhile we were waiting, for the girls finally freed to get their makeup done.
Unfortunately, the models have never been allow to go by the hairdressers on pressure, and as the deadline approached, so we had to make up in the worst conditions: 12 hands curling, straightening and pinning the model's head that nodded incessantly, without any light, not to mention that we had to "fax" into the space that the hardressing team kindly grant to us.
Despite this lack of team spirit, the result is stunning and it's essential.
Backstage photos of the Sonia Rykiel fashion show SS12, by the sublime photographer Benjamin Taguemount.
Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait!!!
Alors Nell, je n’ai jamais vu quoi que ce soit te résister, encore moins qui que ce soit…
Je ne suis pas une pro, comme tu le sais, mais le résultat est juste incroyablement bluffant…
Courage à vous tous et merci de tous vos précieux conseils
Merci de nous lire ma Floflo et de nous laisser de gentils comments….