Organic Sun Protection by Thémis
The cult of pallor is one of my many beauty obsession. My Holy Grail: to have the complexion of Marie Antoinette. A diaphanous complexion is for me the ultimate.But believe me, it's a full-time job.
.I permanently run away from the sun covered with a hat a sunscreen, so I do not tan, but also
prevent pigmentation and premature aging of my skin.
However, being soaked in sun protection all year long I have a problem of conscience. Eh! so the SPF is still a cocktail of chemicals harmful to the skin and the environment.
And a organic sun protection you will tell me?
Until now, I've always ignored it, I did not like the texture: too oily, too white, too thick. Except that My Corner Bio girls offer me to test the organic Sun Spray SPF 50 by Themis.
Super septic initially (too often disappointed by organic skincare) I have to admit that this product seduced me from the first application. It spray a ultra-fine mist, with no white streak and that's a real plus for this sun care.
The texture is "almost" non oily, however it penetrates quickly and can easily apply make up after.
It smell summer, a delicate and discreet scent of Monoi. This sun protection is a real pleasure, it smell good, it is organic, with no white streak, light as a breeze.
This protection is without chemical filter and without nanoparticle, 100% of the ingredients are of natural origin and 10% ingredients from organic farming.
Careful to distinguish between natural ingredients and organic ingredients. They can be natural and not organic.
Am I clear?
I do not like :
We must operate a pump in order to trigger the spray. I think I am not so "green girl" to appreciate this gesture super green ... Too tedious for me!
Where to find it ?
Its price ?
23.90 €, the 100 ml bottle
Vendu, il a l’air super, et le plus pour moi c’est qu’il est sans nanoparticules généralement utilisés pour éviter l’effet plâtre de ce genre de produit.
Odette la pro du bio, tu vas vraiment aimé ce produit. Il es test génial, la texture est ultra fine, il sent bon il est pas gras.
Quand tu l’auras essayé fais moi un feed back cela m’intéresse.
Toujours la lubie MARIE ANTOINETTE, tu vas finir par perdre la tête… J’ai hâte que tu arrives en Autriche !
Quant au produit glisse le dans ta valise… que je le teste !
Bonjour Nelly,
J’ai testé ce produit cet été. Super pour le corps, mais par contre mon visage ne l’a pas très bien supporté. Mais j’ai bien aimé sa texture sur le corps, bon il m’a bien fallu 20 sec pour comprendre le fonctionnement du spray (la prochaine fois, je lirai la notice); mais en regle generale, je le racheterai l’été prochain. En ce qui concerne mon visage je reste avec ma crème de chez Philosophy (indice 30). As tu déjà testé la crème Khiehl’s indice 50 pour le visage? Bise