The custom ritual by Leonor Greyl

This made to measure haircare wake up and repairs hair that lack of superb. You leave relaxed with bright hair strengthened, silky ...
Everything starts with a diagnosis of the expert. Careful must be done on "dirty" hair, do not get like me with cleaned head from the night before, it makes it difficult ...
It is the fault of my mother always told me "present yourself always impeccable, as well you never know what might happen along the way."
At the same time, if I get squashed by a car, no matter if my bra is not matching my panty, it will be too late to be stylish ...
So charming practitioner determines with the finger and eye but as well with a micro camera the needs of your hair.
She soaks the lengths with l'Huile Secret de Beauté, and then prepares a cataplasm to measure, consisting of a mixture of plant extracts, she apply it to the scalp and a moisturizer on the ends.
And there begins a shoulders and neck massage absolutely divine, I felt like my head was separated from my body, I felt so light and relaxed.
To allow the cataplasm to penetrate deep we have a few minutes to steam under a helmet and follows a long and thorough rinsing, interspersed with emulsify / super nice massage for optimal efficiency.
Followed by mechanical massage this time, using a suction cup first and then a vibrating plate which rebooste stimulates microcirculation and strengthens the hair fiber.
Finally we will brush your hair at your convenience. Needless to say I was highly frustrated that this treatment was over so quickly, because it has a real taste of "reviens-y".
When doing this haircare? Ideally every two months ... but it is a real budget, otherwise at the change of seasons, and it's not bad.
I really appreciated the kindness and discretion of the staff, not always evident even in Paris chic places ... The not alarmist diagnosis but honest about the overall state of my hair.
Phew! I have not been entitled to the depressing specialist squeaks at the sight of my hair, urging me to buy a tank of shampoo, conditioner, oil, cream .... dare to hope to repair the hair disaster I was!??
Institut Léonor Greyl. 15 rue tronchet 75008 Paris. Tél :
100 € the session on mid-length hair
Ca donne vraiment envie je pense prévoir ça la prochaine fois que je viens sur paris;-) Il faut s’y prendre longtemps avant?
Perso j’ai commencé la cure de Phyto à l’huile d’Alès qui est pas mal du tout. Merci pour l’article.
Olala ça donne vraiment envie !