The Olympics Games beautiful male...

The Olympics Games beautiful male…

beaux mâles des JO - Hugo Parisi
Ok everyone is on vacation (or almost) ... everything has slowed down ... I will talk about something short, light and entertaining, which makes work more pupils than neurons, especially in this sunny sunday ... and then since I'm the only one who is writing for MakeMyBeauty right now, I do what I want ! So today in pictures, the four beautiful males of Olympics Games that drive me crazy (and yes, it can also be a subject in MMB ....). I called from left to right:
  • Hugo Parisi, the Brazilian diving bomb, very caliente ...
  • Teddy Riner, our French champion judoka, big teddy supra high with his  2.04 meters.
  • The curly-haired Italian fencer Aldo Montano ... re very, very caliente ...
  • And Ryan Lochte, the American swimmer with pretty freckles, hyper cute.
. . . What about you, which is your favorite athlète ? Have a nice sunday and good last day of Olympics Games !
publié le Sunday 12 August 2012 Trends
7 commentaires
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  1. caki3873, le 12 August 2012 à 13h53

    Nikola Karabatic, le sublime handballeur, graaaaaou!!!!

  2. Alexandra B., le 12 August 2012 à 14h52

    Karabatic… Waou, oui très mignon et surtout très sympa, j’ai eu l’occasion de le maquiller pour un shooting;)

  3. Oriane16, le 12 August 2012 à 16h10

    Moi je préfère Teddy-Riner … Avec son allure de nounours je me sentirais en sécurité!!!

  4. C-laire, le 13 August 2012 à 11h20

    Tout à fait d’accord avec Oriane16 🙂

  5. oriane16, le 13 August 2012 à 21h34


  6. Lucie 99, le 13 August 2012 à 22h12

    Oriane16 moi aussi je suis Ok avec toi il est trop classe Teddy 🙂

  7. Cecil14, le 14 August 2012 à 17h32

    Mon sportif préféré est Hugo Parisi…il est très beau.Bref il est Brésilien
