A small feel good post stuffed with an attractive surprise, on the condition of reading up to the end!!!
If you follow us on the social networks, you were able to notice that since a few months we organize yoga classes in the studio. Every Wednesday and Friday morning, we are 7 to drool together with our there sublime yoga teacher Valentina.
The yoga is sturdy, even if I had a small idea to have made of Bikram a few years ago with Alex, I had stayed on the idea that it was old woman's sport. Useless to tell you that I go through hell at every session, but the results are surprising, I am amazed to see what I am capable of making with my body. Hardly capable of making the chandelle position 6 months ago, I almost stand on my head today.
With Alex, we are totally hooked, to such a point that we close the studio in the end of May, to retire of yoga with Valentina, in surfers' hotel in the depths of Crete. During a week, 1:30 am of yoga in the morning and evening... And between two we try to flirt the surfers.
There are still availabilities if you want to join us on this adventure !
Thus since a few months we cheerfully joined the " club of the silly bitches " who practise the yoga and drink green juices.
However, we are not completely silly bitches and because we like to mess around, we mix our green juices with Spritz, it is waaaaay better. We are willing to reshine our chakras and to connect with the universe, in the condition that it is funny and cool.
And otherwise, here is our wish List to feel good with our chakras:
❤️ A yoga outfit
At the beginning, I practiced in an old H&M legging and a ruined J.Crew T-shirt.
Only we keep rehearsing in this blog that the voucher matos is the key of a successful makeup, then know that it works also for sports clothes!
Alex and I thus exchanged our old-fashioned things, for sublime Lulu Lemon and now we won at it in comfort, in pleasure and in efficiency.
Necessarily as it's good, it is costy, so we advise you to slide this soupier yoga outfit in your letter to the Santa Claus.
Worth knowing that underwear's are also the things not to be neglected, once again you don't want to be uncomfortable during you practice.
There is a few weeks, I was invited in a practice of yoga in the lingerie section of the Bon Marché Mall, it was fantastic. I took advantage of it to walk around the lingerie isles where everything is luxurious, chic and stuffed with good gifts ... I had a big crush for Livy, a hyper sexy and sensual line, I've of course, been unable to resist the model Sporty, ideal for the practice of the yoga.
❤️ A juice extractor
As we practise the yoga in the morning, Valentina recommends us to arrive on an empty stomach, because the full stomach it is very uncomfortable and it can engender ebb gastric or in the worst of the regurgitations. We twist our body, we bend it and the gravity makes its work!!! At the end of the course, we are starved, however out the question to swallow a coffee with milk with two croissants ... So we have invested in Nutribullet an extractor, which in the twinkling of an eye prepares us delicious juices.
If we were real macro organic fanatics, we would opt for the recipe of fennel, spinach and cucumber, it is good for the complexion. You can't mess around, we do not want to finish as old frustrated dried prunes, so we burst with one banana, apple, pineapple, coconut milk, almond with a teaspoon of honey.
We adore our Nutribullet, it's California at the MakeMyBeauty's... This extractor preserves all the nutriments and the fibers of the food, its cyclonic action opens seeds, breaks stalks, cuts the skin and extracts the best, it's hyper easy to use.
If in your good resolutions 2018 you reflect to consume better or to begin a détox, then Nutribullet also is to be noted on your list of Christmas.
Other than that, would you like to come and sip a small juice with us to the studio ?
If you're in, then we invite you in a yoga class with us and our friends, coached by Valentina. You'll see, it is wonderful !
To play, it is simple you write us a kindness in the comments at the end of this article, where you tell us why the yoga thrills you or not.
As it is still Great X' mas Fever at MMB, again a present with double effect Kiss Cool, at the moment, there is another class of yoga to be won on our Instagram account. You can try twice your luck!!!
And to motivate you, we present you our dear Valentina below;)
Happy Monday.
Merci, j’ai bien ri ! Il y a fort longtemps j’ai moi même fait partie du “club des c******” avec 2 à 3 séances de yoga hebdomadaire, en Asie, chose que j’ai totalement arrêté avec le retour en france et 2 grossesses en 2 ans. Depuis je me dis tous les jours que je veux recommencer…mais je n’ai pas trouvé de cours “coup de coeur” et le matin c’est plutot nutella que jus vert. Alors le changement c’est maintenant, il me manque juste 1 petit coup de pouce 😉
J’ai déjà testé le yoga et en plus avec Valentina! Meilleure expérience depuis très longtemps!
Et en plus chez Make my Beauty…. le top!!! A très j’esper !
Voilà un concours qui fait envie! Parce que pratiquer le yoga avec des gens drôles et chics dans un lieu magnifique, c’est triple-win. Avec les postures inversées, on se remet les idées en place, et quand on relève le nez tout est chouette, du papier-peint au mascara des copines.
Pendant des années, j’ai clamé haut et fort que le yoga n’était pas fait pour moi qui suis trop active, trop dynamique, trop speed. J’ai essayé 2 cours sans aucune conviction et puis il y a 4 ans, gros stress au boulot à en perdre ma voix, à me rendre malade, grosse remise en question…. alors comme il n’y que les imbéciles qui ne changent Pas d’avis, je suis retournée voir la prof de yoga chez qui j’avais pris 2 cours en lui disant que je faisais un essai de 6 mois jusqu’en juin….et je n’ai jamais arrêté. Je suis accro à mon cours hebdomadaire, j’essaie de pratiquer chez moi en vacances et puis je viens de m’offrir un week-end yoga pour mon anniv!!!
Je suis prof en collège et je milite pour que le yoga rentre à l’école.
Alors j’ai très envie de partager ce beau moment en votre compagnie. Merci pour ce concours.
Valentina est la meilleure ! Reste plus qu’à découvrir make my beauty ! Je croise les doigts ??
Vive le choux kale, le chien tête en bas et le make up of course !!
Namaste ??
Coucou les filles
La retraite yoga avec vous je suis sûre que c’est l’éclate ! Mais ce ne serait pas possible de combiner ça avec un séjour gastronomique ??
Ils nous ont prévu 3 repas végétariens par jour… Rien n’empêche de charger les valises de foie gras et chocolat !!!
En tout cas, je ne connais pas Valentina mais elle est resplendissante. Pas de jalouses, vous aussi les filles!