Beautiful postcard

Beautiful postcard


The holiday season ends soon is Epiphany and also the time to present our best wishes for 2015. I already relish discovering the beautiful cards I will receive in my mailbox.

Ah! yes I prefer correspondence, I know that the email is "fashionable" and much easier, but I am so touched by a beautiful creation. A beautiful print on a beautiful paper can brighten my day. The quality of the paper fascinated me, I can spend hours hesitate for a grain, a weight or a color.

It gives me the opportunity to present  Audrey Leroy and Letterpress de Paris,, two very talented people and exceptionally skilled with whom we have the opportunity and pleasure to collaborate.

To be quite honest with you, we never really wanted to share our exceptions addresses, but we love you so much! It is with pleasure that we present you Audrey and letterpress.

Audrey you know her well because it was her who developed the design of our new website, logo, artwork services, layout, typos and all but imperceptible details that make our site  beautiful, pleasant and fluid.

She is beautiful, gentle and discreet, her designs sparkle with personality and strength, we love her so much.

We worked long months with her in developing the new blog, she has to be patient and to listen, because we have been demanding, sometimes indecisive. Where I admire her is that every time we expressed a desire or idea, she offered us later exactly the thing we liked. For working with plethora of graphic designers and illustrators, exercise is not always obvious!

It's a feeling that we know well as a makeup artist transcribe exactly what the person expect : it takes a bit of psychology, to listen and especially to read between the lines.

The new site has resulted in the renewal of the entire universe of MakeMyBeauty, press releases, leaflets, business cards and again Audrey help us for the creation .

The business card has given us the opportunity to meet Letterpress de Paris. We wanted a card with personality, relief, printed on paper with the character that could reflect our personality .

This is Audrey who introduce us to Jean Frederick, for whom she created a collection of postcards and note books and as well we love him so much.


With Letterpress de Paris,, he raised artisanal printing. Although it is difficult to compete against digital technologies, they are unable to offer the so special rendering impressions that give these old machines.

The choice is vast, sublime papers, gilding like in Versailles, a range of incredible colors, singular details ☞ color on edge, debossed ... Even the imperfections are lovely.

Obviously we want everything, but Jean Frederick is here and with passion guides us towards the card that we will be happy to share. The card which highlights our personality and brings more soul to MakeMyBeauty.

I am happy to start 2015 with these two artists and I hope they will seduce you as much as we are...

I wish you a beautiful 2015 !!!

publié le Thursday 22 January 2015 Bonnes adresses, Our Good Adresses
3 commentaires
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  1. Christine, le 27 January 2015 à 13h25

    Vos cartes de visites sont magnifiques! j’adorerai en avoir une, (cette année je me fixe un rdv avec vous pour une lecon de maquillage! oui, oui!!) et en plus il y a un effet sensoriel au niveau du toucher, manque plus qu’elle soit parfumé… merci de vos trouvailles et supers bons goûts.

  2. Nelly C., le 27 January 2015 à 15h44

    @christine on vous attend avec impatience et c’est avec plaisir que nous vous offrirons une de nos cartes de visite. On vous embrasse.
